It was only a few months ago that a preacher in Florida named Terry Jones threatened to burn the Koran on September 11,2010. September 11 was the anniversary of a terrorist attack perpetrated by Moslems, the Koran is the holy book of the Moslems, so this obviously would have been intended to antagonize Moslems. President Obama urged Terry Jones not to burn the Koran. Obama was interviewed on television, and during the interview, he said that if Terry Jones burned the Koran, it would provoke Moslems all over the world, and Obama said that American troops in Afghanistan may be threatened. Obama warned of 'serious violence' against American troops in Afghanistan if Terry Jones burned the Koran. On September 9,2010, Terry Jones said he changed his mind, and said he would not burn the Koran.
So,where is Obama now? Shouldn't Obama go to Tennessee and give a speech to discourage them from passing such an inflammatory law? Certainly, if this law is passed in Tennessee, it's passage will provoke Moslems all over the world. By ignoring the issue, Obama is showing that he doesn't care about America's image. Certainly, making Sharia illegal could be as inflammatory as Terry Jones' threat to burn the Koran. If Tennessee makes Sharia illegal, shouldn't we expect Moslems to retaliate by killing American troops in Afganistan? Where does Obama stand on that?
(Anthony Ratkov,March 2,2011.)
My comment:
So much for the declaration of independence. I don't really get how some people fight for their right of "FREEDOM" while they oppose others in exercising that right too. Such a double standard.
For example:
- The sharia law obliges us moslems to wear hijab. Its only a piece of cloth covering our head and our bodies so that only our face and our hands are visible. So why issue a sermon to limit us of this right? We don't force you to stop wearing the latest trend of miniskirts or bikini's. Why can't you regard it as any other fashion? If the designers of the world told you that hijab was just the new fashion I am sure most of you would perceive it differently.
- Why stop us from praying to our God in the way that was obliged for us? How would you feel if you were hunted down every time you were caught decorating a Christmas tree, giving prayers at thanksgiving, or singing carols in church? Simply the act from stopping anyone from praying to God is an abomination. That is a private sector no one should tamper with.
I know that the sentiment against us Moslems is still high in this world. But please try to reevaluate your mindset. Doesn't the universal law punish a subject based on the act of the individual? I believe most of us Moslems don't agree with the deeds of the terrorists who claim to do it all in the name of Islam.
this is against the constitution of the united states that guarantees freedom of religion one of the principles on which the country was established